The story of the Kazis family can only be recorded after 1825.
Due to the 1821 revolution in the mainland of Greece against the Turkish occupation, which gradually extended to the northern Balkan area, the Kazis family was chased away, because of their Greek nationality, from their homeland, the mountain Kazdagli, in Asia Minor, and arrived as refugees in the village of Saranta Ekklisies in Eastern Thrace.
The head of the family, Dimitrios Kazis (1830-1891), was a merchant of pharmaceuticals, herbs and medical preparations.
Dimitrios Kazis did not posess a high education but he spoke French and believed very highly of the value of education. He wanted all his children to go to the university.
His son, Aristidis D. Kazis (1860-1942) studied pharmacy and he founded the first official retail pharmacy in Saranta Ekklisies in 1885.